Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer; no excuses!

I was just contemplating the weather and the season. Most of us have just spent winter all bundled up and trying to minimize time spent in the driving wind and snow. Now it's getting warmer outside and the snow has gone. The trees have unfurled their last new leaf and the spring bloomers have fallen. It's officially summer now (officially as in on Sunday, June 21st) and with the winter chill should go your inhibitions about working out.

Okay, so you don't belong to a gym.
Okay, so maybe you don't have alot of equipment, or any equipment!
Okay, so you think you've "tried everyth..." Stop, don't even try it!

So does all this mean that you're condemned to being a slug? Gosh, I hope not! Then you're pants really WON'T fit! So now it's early summer. The weather is bright (unless you live in Connecticut in which case it's pretty rainy). All of us are able to find some grass somewhere and a big park if you're fortunate! So go out there and get moving.

How you ask? Well, what better way to find out what you like to do then by being unburdened by rules?! You know about pushups and sit ups, walking and running, walking lunges and some others. Start with what you know! Go for a walk or a run and work these other things in. There are no rules when you're on your own listening to your own body! Do what you feel!
  1. You can run zig-zags on the trail, you can run sideways even!
  2. Run to the light post and then do walking lunges to the next one. Repeat.
  3. Run backwards for 20 paces, then do 10 pushups, run forward to the next tree, then do 10 situps.

I find this kind of "play" very rewarding because there aren't any rules! It's almost like meditation because you are making up your workout as you go simply by being aware of what your body is telling your brain instead of the other way around! Nice swap for a change huh?

Don't think this entry is aimed at children because it involves fun, I'm aiming it at YOU! If you can learn to have fun in this one body of yours, you will find it hard to spend much time on the couch in front of the tube.

P.S. Don't worry about the weather either. Some of my favorite hiking and running memories have come from being rained on; and we're talking drenching driving rain! Even hot & humid days have their place. If you expose yourself to this type of weather then your body adapts to it so that future humid days won't seem quite as ugly as they used to seem! You know how you can't ever wait for the perfect moment for any one thing because then it will never come? Same thing here. Don't wait for the perfect weather because you will never notice how perfect it is until you get out into it! Enjoy!

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