Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Quick update...

I have quite possibly reached a turning point. I woke up this morning NOT wanting coffee! I find this odd considering my last post in which I was waxing poetic about it! I woke up with so much energy at 7am that I just couldn't face a cup of joe! I was concerned it would put me over the one wants to see me in person then!

Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll want to dive into the bold syrupy depths of a steamy cup. But today no way! It's now 2:30 in the afternoon and I have had no desire for coffee. I have had two cups of green tea today, spaced several hours apart, but that is not nearly the same.

I'd like to accredit this change to the PaleoDiet, but only time will tell I think. I'm now at the point at which I can absolutely feel a difference if I eat something non-Paleo. I can also tell that it screws you up for several days if you do not get back on the bandwagon instantly! I don't know if this is true for everyone, but it is for me at this point of my experiment.

That's the news for today! Just an update, like I said! Enjoy the spring rain that will bring us all May flowers!

1 comment:

Britt said...

Hey there! I am just starting Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint diet, a less strict paleo diet, and I am finding the same things!

I used to be really energetic when I was starving myself because of the rare symptom of hyperactivity. Eating again became even more difficult once i realized it always made me tired. After a couple days of actually eating on the primal diet, i had as much energy as when i was starving myself, and the same weight!