Second I'd like to issue a warning to be not lose sight of the journey in favor of the goal. Huh?
While watching television I have noticed an increase in the number of diet ads; diet programs, products, pills, meal replacements, cleansing products etc and so on. If you have made the resolution to "get fit" I have a couple recommendations for you.
1) Don't worry about "getting fit". What the hell does that mean anyway? How do you define that? Using amorphous phrases as goals sets you up for failure because your goal is loosely defined. Rein it in ALOT and don't be afraid of numbers; 10 pushups straight, 3 mile run without stopping etc.
2) Be thankful of the journey. So you can't run huh? And your goal is run 3 miles without stopping? Be THANKFUL when you can run 1 whole mile and walk 2 miles. Be THANKFUL that you have two legs to run on and be THANKFUL for any progressions that you make.
!! 3) DON'T give in to fads hoping to cut corners and reach your goal quicker (this especially goes for weight loss and 'get healthy' goal people). You won't learn a thing by skipping meals to cut calories or by eating b.s. diet foods. Treat your body with respect. It really does know the difference!
4) Make STICKING to your resolution part of your resolution! Most people poop out in February. Maybe actually penning in gym-time into your planner seems extreme now, but once going becomes habitual you'll be thankful that you were strict with yourself in the beginning! Remember, when you're trying to change a set routine anything different will feel extreme! So don't give up!
What inspired this? Watching all those ads that I disagree with! My big gripes are when a diet suggestion comes in the form of substituting real foods for low-calorie 100% artificial products. I won't call them foods. Case and point: Low-calorie pancake syrup. Does it make sense to you to slather your white-flour sugar-pancakes in sugar-free syrup? Um, no. It doesn't. Don't think that a sugar-free product is healthier than the original. That doesn't make the original healthy necessarily, but real maple syrup does have minerals in it. And your body can recognize this stuff whereas the low-calorie fakeness syrup is all chemical that is detrimental to your system in a variety of ways and in NO way beneficial.
Okay, so you need a substitute now that I've taken away your sweet moistening agent?
Take a small saucepan. Add a cupful of frozen (or fresh) berries (Mmm, blueberries!). Add a Tablespoon of water and heat on medium-low for a little while. Gently mash them when they're warm. Add 2 Tablespoons of REAL maple syrup or honey. Add a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg (or both even!). When the whole deal is warm it'll be perfect for drizzling over your pancakes.
Just please make them whole wheat! :^)
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