Friday, November 14, 2008

So much good stuff!

Today is World Diabetes Day, if you aren't already aware! It is a worldwide movement to raise awareness about the warning signs of Diabetes as well as to get support for those diagnosed individuals that cannot easily access care and treatment. This year's them is Children and Adolescents due to the increasing numbers of young people being diagnosed with Diabetes I and II. Most of the information on the website ( has to do with Type I. So if you have frequent urination, are losing weight, are excessivly thirsty, and/or have a serious lack of energy, then you may want to check out this website.

My only gripe with the website is that there is no mention of how to manage Diabetes on a daily basis other than with drugs. They infrequently mention "a healthy diet", but as there are so many books in the Diet section of my bookstore I'll wager that there's some confusion as to what that really means. I would think that teaching people to balance their blood sugar and tame insulin spikes would be a worthwhile project. I would think that a food graph showing what is "sugar" and "not sugar" would be helpful. Teaching about meal-balance would be important too I would think; eat protein, some fat, and some fiber with your sugar and it doesn't quite hit so hard. Oh yeah, defining "some" would also be worthwhile. :)

And just so that ALL corners are dusted, check out It's a documentary that follows six Americans that have what their doctors had called "incurable diabetes". Some have Type I and some have Type II, and all had CRAZY improvements in their health. They lost weight, got off their meds, and felt healthy and energized for the first time in God-only-knows how long. It's really an amazing video and they have a very good trailer if you're curious.

Happy and Healthy Eating everyone!

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