Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good article...

I found an article today on msn.com that I liked, so I thought I'd pass it on to you too!

When I take a scan through the racks of women's magazines, I see headlines like, "how to make your butt firmer NOW," and "lose 10lbs in 5 days," and so on. Lately though there has been a new trend towards articles about how being overweight isn't your fault. Oprah has gotten alot of attention talking about her thyroid not acting properly. Let me tell you, I'm tired of these stories and I'm MORE tired of the proliferation of these articles! Come one, if I gain 10 lbs it's my own fault. (And we're not going to even discuss here whether or not blame should be part of this discussion at all. That's a topic all of it's own!)In then end, only I have the power to choose a cupcake over a cup of tea or doritos over celery.

What I like about this article is that it describes a condition that is common amongst people that are obese. Normally tasting food releases dopamine, which as you may know, makes you HAPPY!! Studies have shown that this reaction is blunted in obese patients. Therefore, it is more difficult for the obese patient to reach the same level of satisfaction from food as it is for the normal-weight patient.

HOWEVER! There's a however, which is the part that makes me like this article. It goes on to say that it is POOR eating habits (high-fat, high-sugar) that has stunted this satisfaction system in the first place. So while you chemically need more to feel satisfied, try engaging the LOGICAL portion of your brain to say, "I know that I have eaten enough food for this meal. I may FEEL that I need more, but i KNOW that I do not." Yeah, I know. Easier said than done. But practice makes perfect they say!

And while studies are being conducted regarding the reversal of this gland de-sensitization, they say to eat a clean diet. Work on changing your taste buds to enjoy and accept pure, clean flavors. That they know can absolutely be done!
So read the article, I liked it!


PS should you feel a wave of "it's not my fault, maybe it's..." coming on, step back. Take a deep breath and think about how that doesn't matter an iota. Not really! If you think you can blame external forces then please google Sarah Reinertsen.

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