Monday, October 13, 2008


Happy Monday to you!
I just spent my weekend in Toronto at the CrossFit Certification Seminar. I can say that we all had a great time and learned such an incredible amount! It's all extremely applicable and we also learned how to pass it on to our clients as well as to ourselves. All of us, we're all should always be in a state of improving and active learning right?

Toronto is, from my experience, a tremendously friendly and inviting city. I think I'd go there over NYC if given the choice. I did notice though, how much slimmer overall the population of the city was. I had lunch one day in a mall food court, did some people watching and there was a NOTABLE difference! I got talking to a woman I partnered with in some groups and she said, about a trip she had recently taken to the States, "I was surprised at how many heavy children there were." Not even adults, which she was also surprised by, but more specifically the children were whom shocked her. I agreed. Childhood is a great time to learn skills that we get too afraid to do as we get older: knee swings on the junglegym, cartwheels, tree-climbing etc. We learn that running around and getting sweaty and tired makes us feel good!

Exercise is to make us fitter for our lives. If someone gets winded walking around the grocery store, they aren't fit enough for their life-demands. We learn how our bodies move when we are young; running around the playground and throwing ourselves down hills. That may sound silly but can you skip across the room without putting alot of thought into HOW to skip?

This Certification Seminar weekend involved ALOT of moving. And I had an absolute blast. I'm sore today, but I know it's from having done something good. Let's all work to make sure the youngest generation grows up knowing that active movement brings good things and that being sedentary is just no fun :)

Sweat Angel

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